Artist or group: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Agony Scene

Prey Tab

I have decided that since everyone in this world is too lazy to tab out this song, I
just do it anyways.  The tuning is drop B which goes like (from
top to bottom) B, Gb, B, E, Ab, Db.  Now I have only got for you the intro,
pre-chorus and the chorus.  I jsut started tabbing this a few days ago.  If you want the
part and the bridge or if you have it yourself, email me at and if I
them by then I'll send them back to you in a text file.  Just label the Subject line:
Tabs.  Also, about these tabs, I am too lazy to figure out rhythm so I am going to
you the chord to play and you just take it from there. I do not have a whammy bar yet so
am unable to figure out the wavering harmonics they use, so I just left them out.  Here

Atrist:  The Agony Scene
Album:  The Darkest Red
Song:  Prey
Tabbed by:  Patrick Brochu

^=Bend (If it is to a certain pitch I'll put that next to it but if not just
        give the string a light bend.)
*=Palm Mute Strings Above the star

Good Luck!

Intro: (This part sounds like a chainsaw but it is only wicked overdrive)
|--3--4--3--4-6-------| (Listen to the song for
|--3--4--3--4-6-------|  how many times to play.)
Guitar 2: (I am not sure, but it could be the bass, if it's the bass just use one string)

|---------------------|(Once again, Listen to the
|---------------------| song for how many times to play
|-1-3/5^-0-0----------| the riff.)

Verse: (Almost same as Pre-Verse but in heavy chords)
|--1--3-5-5---0-0-----| (Just Listen)
              * *

Pre-Chorus:  (Very Short)
|--3----------------------------------6-------|  (If you listen, you
|--3--(<--(Repeat like 4x, then)-->)--6--(2x)-|   will get it)

|--0--6--3--6--0--6--3--6------|  (Listen Carefully)
      ^           ^
       Not sure about the 6th fret,
       It may be the 8th.

Well, that is most of the song.  I am pretty sure anyone looking for this tab
is capable of figuring out the order in which the song goes in by themselves, but I will
that later sometime.  I hope that my time has become of some use to those who look for
tab.  Any comments/complaints email me and I'll get back to you.  If you have a better
feel free to send me that.  And if you do figure out the freakin' bridge please
me.  ttyl. God Bless.
Piano, bass and

guitar Prey Tab (Agony Scene) chords

, tabs and lyrics. Prey Tab song from Agony Scene. Upload tab