Artist or group: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

I Am Ghost

Denouement Tab

Song: The Denouement
Artist: I am Ghost
Album: Lovers' Requiem
Tuning: Drop C (CGCFAD)

Part I (After Choir Vocals)
|---------------------------------------------------| 2x
PM| - -- -                 - - -- -

|----------------------------------------------------------| 2x
PM| - --                      - - --  

PM| - -- - -                    - - -- - -

|--------------(tremolo picking)-------------(tremolo picking)-|
PM|----------- -- -- -- - -- -- ------------ -- -- -- -- -- --

Break for Vocals

Part II

After the riff above sometimes a smaller riff is played on the 10s and 11s.
1st Time

2nd Time

3rd Time

4th Time

5th Time



End On
Piano, bass and

guitar Denouement Tab (I Am Ghost) chords

, tabs and lyrics. Denouement Tab song from I Am Ghost. Upload tab