Artist or group: # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N Ñ O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

I Hate Sally

The Hand That Beats Us Down Bass Tab

Band:I Hate Sally
Song:The Hand That Beats us Down

*=let ring

i hate sally is a 4-peice band from Kingston, Ont. after a few line up changes, they are 
with just the fundumentals: 1 guitarist, 1 bassist,
1 drummer, and 1 singer/dancer.of course, if you cared enough to look at this tab, you 
know that by now, because this tab makes NO sense without the music that it goes to.

 riff A
|----|23|--3-5--5-7---7-9-9-10-7957352323-3*-5*-3*-1*| x3

 riff B
|-------------|  |---------|
|-------------|  |---------|
|2-3-2-4-2-5-3|x3|2-3--7--5| x2
|-------------|  |---------|

 riff C (chorus)

 riff D
|-------------------|   |------|
|-------------------|   |------|
|--35--57--7910979--|x8 |12-10-|
|-------------------|   |------|

(repeat riff B)

(repeat riff C)

 riff E                   riff F
|---------------------|   |---------------------------|
|---------------------|   |---------------------------|
|-----3*-------3-5-6-5|x3 |------------3*-------------|
|--2-3---2-3-3*-------|   |--2*----3*--------0*---0*--|

Piano, bass and

guitar The Hand That Beats Us Down Bass Tab (I Hate Sally) chords

, tabs and lyrics. The Hand That Beats Us Down Bass Tab song from I Hate Sally. Upload tab